Saturday, April 25, 2009


Alright, i was feeling hyper, and weird
She introduced me to lemon.!
She said lemons will give you a pinch and wakes you up.

Awesome right? Waas so yellowish, dunno how many lemons were in there.
best part was, it woke me to my senses.
And i stopped whirling and reeling around my fantasy world dreaming of time travel.
I seriously was! HAHA.
So here, i wanna thank that Nerdy,Bimboish(don't mean it, but i mean it as a kawan baik lah duh!) heee.. hmm what else, Emo, Funny, Quacky, Friendly Nice friend. =x

I think i wanna post some cool songs and restaurants soon.
nth to post about dy. x)
100th post up next.

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